Multiple Ticket limits per price in a price set for an Event

2009-07-07 01:18
Written by
yautja_Cetanu - member of the CiviCRM community - view blog guidelines
We want the ability to sell tickets. CiviCRM has a maximum participants feature but this applies to the whole event. We want it to apply to each individual ticket. This will be particularly useful when related to a floor plan which can be uploaded. In the Price Sets. In the Page Edit a price set. Next to Price will be another column called "Number" (people can suggest something better) where the number of tickets can be set. I thought this should not be in "Edit price numbers" so that different groups could still pay different amount but would deduct from the remaining tickets. - All the current features that apply to "Maxiumum number of participants" should apply to tickets. Don't know exactly what that is. But obviously that means a ticket should count as "Sold out" and not be selectable for a user. If there are waiting list features this should apply to individual tickets, not whole events. Refunds and cancellations should apply to individual tickets not events. And anything else we can find. - I don't know if this should completely replace "Maximum number of Participants" or work alongside it. -We will then find a way of reporting ticket sales using Interamind's reporting tools for VirtueMart (Although obviously that is specific to us) We've got the back-end of this finished so we'll post some screenshots.
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Anonymous (non vérifié)
2009-07-07 - 14:46

Where is 1)?