Helping a SA / DV shelter do more.

Oasis Shelter Home

Oasis shelter home is a domestic violence and sexual abuse temporary shelter and counseling organization. During the course of a typical year oasis shelter home shelters and councils hundreds of people, both men and women. The organization relies heavily on both grants and donations. Without having a good way to track both the grants and donations CIVI crm was the perfect answer to solving both needs.

Organizational focus
Social Service
Organization type
Non Profit


The initial promise of this project was to give this organization a secure online system to begin tracking donations. Not only giving them the ability to track those donations but also the ability to better keep touch with those who frequently donate.


Two major obstacles faced the Oasis House and this project. One being budget and the other being lack of good data to work with.

Eric Ragsdale, owner and operator of West American technologies.
Lea Sevey, Executive Director of oasis shelter home.
Several members of the oasis shelter home staff.