Mental Health Association in NYS

Bring Event and Legacy Data Together

Mental Health Association in NYS

The Mental Health Association in NYS (MHANYS) is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization with 30 local MHA affiliates serving 54 of the counties in New York State. MHANYS and its affiliate network work to promote mental health and recovery, encourage empowerment in mental health service recipients, eliminate discrimination, raise public awareness with education, and advocate for equality and opportunity for all.

MHANYS was challenged with a legacy database with contacts collected over the past 15 years and no integration into new event data. The goal of the project is to bring the data into a central system that provides access to staff at various levels for use in communications, advocacy campaigns, event registrations and donor management.

Organizational focus
Public Health
Organization type
Non Profit


A single database that managed all aspects of the organization's data and provides access to staff with user controls.


The biggest challenge to this project was the migration of legacy data. Migrating and properly grouping and tagging the data as well as elininating/merging duplicate data.


CiviCRM was chosen due to its direct integration with WordPress and its focus on the needs of non-profits. The event management as well as the discount module were extremely important. The addition of the the WordPress ACL system made the CiviCRM right for the initial needs as well as future plans.


Event management with discount ability. The ability to group and tag data as part of the migration process. Bulk mailing and user controls were also important to the project.

Kilakwa Associates primary consultant as well as a core of 3 MHANYS staff.