Unified membership searches with Drupal Views

2013-01-15 14:10
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The CiviCRM profiles features are a great easy way to quickly generate custom membership lists that can be viewed, sorted and displayed on your public website, but one of their biggest annoyances is they can only display organisational or individual memberships, not a mixture of the two.
I discovered a quick and easy way of getting around this through the wonder of Drupal views (Sorry Wordpress and Joomla! folks).
Set up your view as normal and required with whatever fields, arguments, relationships and filters you may need, then create a 'Global: Combine fields filter' field, expose it and choose the fields you would like to be able to search, probably First Name, Last Name and Organisation Name.
Save the view and voila! You have a membership list that can be searched across all membership types and names and as it's views you can continue customising it to your hearts content.