Introducing Effective Email Marketing With CiviMail

2017-01-11 13:33
Written by
cividesk - member of the CiviCRM community - view blog guidelines

Civdesk is excited to announce our newest training opportunity - Effective Email Marketing with CiviMail. During this session you will learn how to best leverage CiviMail to get your emailing into your constituents Inbox and have your content read. 

During this two-hour training, you will learn about:

  • Best practices for getting emails in the inbox
  • Formatting do's and don'ts
  • Email client and readability testing
  • Using tokens including the Checksum token
  • Reporting
  • Optimizing your emails for better open rates (including A/B testing)
  • Technical email deliverability (SPF & DKIM)

Concrete examples will be used to illustrate all of these tasks. Much of this session will be spent looking at examples but we will also be using the CiviCRM interface.

We will use some HTML code but no coding knowledge is needed for this session.  

Email marketing is a vital part of a successful marketing plan and it is important to know how to make the most of the email tool you are using. 

We will be running this two-hour webinar on January 19th from  9:30 AM to 11:30 AM Mountain Time.  Find out more or register

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