CiviDay 2015

2015-01-05 08:00
Written by
michaelmcandrew - member of the CiviCRM community - view blog guidelines

If CiviCRM were a religion (interesting topic for debate, maybe?) then CiviDay would be the most important day in our calendar - our annual excuse to get together, make new friends, reconnect with old acquaintances, and generally have a good time.  Oh, and of course, to learn how CiviCRM can help you, hear about the amazing things that people are doing with CiviCRM, find out what's new in the latest release, and so on, and so on.

As in past years, we're celebrating CiviDay on the last Wednesday of January and since this is our third year, we can probably start calling it a tradition. Check this list of CiviDay meet ups happening on January 28th and sign up to your local meet up.  For ¡¡¡extra bonus points!!!, try volunteering to present on how you use CiviCRM; marketing the event though local media and networks; sponsoring the venue and/or providing a few nibbles. And if you can't see a meet up local to you, don't fret - just keep on reading...

The last couple of years, the total number of meet ups has been in the mid twenties.  This year we're going for 30+. It's an ambitious goal, and we can only do so with your help. If there is an already active meet up in your area, all you have to do is organise the next meet up for 28th January.  If you don't have one yet, then CiviDay is the best time to get one off the ground since you're pretty much guarunteed a good turnout.  Have a look at these simple tips on getting started from the wiki and email me ( if you'd like some help. Just make sure to get it up and publicised ASAP so people have enough time to hear about it.

CiviDay is a great way build up your CiviCRM contact book - something that is useful for everyone since the more resources you have locally, the more you get done with CiviCRM - so what are you waiting for? Check out the list of meet ups  organised so far on this page: and sign up now!

See you on CiviDay!

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