Need Helping Hands at CiviCRM Booth

2024-01-04 22:56
Written by
alainb - member of the CiviCRM community - view blog guidelines

We will be promoting CiviCRM at FOSDEM in Brussels on Saturday 3 and Sunday 4 February 2024.

FOSDEM is an annual non-commercial event centered on free and open-source software development. With over 8000 attendees, it is one of the biggest open source conferences.

Major open source projects like Debian, MariaDB, Mozilla, GNOME, Google Summer of Code, Jenkins, Nextcloud... have a stand at the conference. And of course, CiviCRM too 😀

I need your help!

Helping hands are needed at the CiviCRM stand. Send me an email if you can help a couple of hours, one day, or the whole weekend:


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Thanks for organising again, Alain! I will be there. I think it is also worth saying that this event is a nice way to meet up with other CiviCRM people as there is typically 4 to 6 CiviCRM people at the stand and we'll likely go out Friday or Saturday evening for a meal as well.