Announcing the first ever CiviCon

2010-02-11 11:22
Written by
cap10morgan - member of the CiviCRM community - view blog guidelines
I am very excited to announce the first CiviCon! The day after DrupalCon this April, stick around in San Francisco for CiviCon. We'll have celebrity speakers, breakout sessions highlighting real-world examples of people making non-profits rock with CiviCRM, and ample opportunity to ask questions, meet people, and generally max out your CiviCRM fu. If you're reading this, you need to be there! Here's the details: Ready to sign up? Yeah you are, you go-getter you. Go here: Right now we're still in the planning stages, so this is a great opportunity to volunteer to run a break-out session or nominate someone you think should run one. Add your session ideas to this page:
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Sound like a great event. Wish I could make it, especially along with the DrupalCon

Are there any plans to create an audio and/or video archive of any of the presentations for those of us who can't be on site?

Anonymous (non verificato)
2010-04-02 - 15:07

Is it true that the CiviCRM integrator training as DrupalCon is canceled? That's what I hear from them. "The trainers pulled out at the last minute...". It's still listed as a session on this site.

we are holding a training on the same day but not at the drupalcon venue. There was a communication issue between us and the drupalcon organizers regarding the arrangements.

You can register for the training by following the links below: - User Training - Integrator Training