Manage and analyse Your Campaigns with CivicRM

2016-03-24 06:43
Written by
Fabian_SYSTOPIA - member of the CiviCRM community - view blog guidelines

Are you responsible for planning, managing and monitoring campaigns for your organisation? If yes, you are probably using CiviCampaign to link contributions and campaigns and analyse their success. However, unless your campaign requirements are rather simple, I bet that you encountered some limitations of CiviCRM's campaign functions such as:

  • no function to record costs involved with a campaign action or to track the campaign's budget

  • no campaign hierarchy

  • limited reporting options

  • not much of an UI to manage and or visualise campaigns and their outcome

Those of you who followed last year's GSOC know that there has been a great project with the somewhat bulky name “Strategic Fundraising and Campaigning” that addressed those shortcomings by providing a campaign hierarchy, several functions such as recording campaign costs, a nice user interface, as well as built-in reporting reporting and visualisation options.

Back then, the extension was considered more of a prototype, not ready for productive use but thanks to some early adopters and contributors we were able to release a very promising beta version a couple of weeks ago.

Now it's your turn! Go ahead and test the extension on the public demo or on your own system and give us feedback, preferably in the issue tracker. After public testing we will finally be able to release a stable version and make it available in the CiviCRM extension directory for everyone to use.

Find all the information your need here:

Quickstart Guide

Complete User Guide

Github Repository

Happy Testing!


Great timing for us as we put are putting together a 'bells and whistles' demo site and this makes for a nice addition.

Did you say there was a public demo? If so, can you tell us where it is?