New custom search for event participants

2013-12-13 14:28
Written by
SarahGladstone - member of the CiviCRM community - view blog guidelines
Pogstone has created a new custom search that should help anyone dealing with events, pricesets and/or custom participant data. This search has the following features:
  - you can filter/view individual priceset options. (Such as search on participants who registered for a certain priceset session.)
  - Choice of 3 layouts: one row per participant, or one row per line item, or summary totals for each line item option. 
  - Choose which columns to include in the results
  - Includes memberhsip type and membership status in the results
  - Includes information about who the participant was registered by, and any participant custom data
  - Includes age of the participant. (You can control the date used to calculate the age, such as using Sept. 1 for school/youth events. ) 

 I would like to get feedback on this new search extension  I have tested this successfully under version 4.2.x, 4.3.x and 4.4.x.   The extension page for this custom search is:

-Sarah Gladstone


I'm working on a the event registration for a client's upcoming conference and this will delight them. I will definitely install this in a test system and can provide you with feedback...

This looks like super useful functionality - and it would be great to have it available as a native extension. Please ping us on IRC if we can help resolving the civix issues.

I finally got this search properly packaged as a CiviCRM extension. I have updated the links in the blog post to point to the correct spots in github. 

Now that you have the extension packaging all set - would be great to have it at so folks can potentially download it from Manage Extensions in their CiviCRM sites. Thanks!