Free Direct Debit for Europe!

2014-09-09 03:22
Written by
BjoernE - member of the CiviCRM community - view blog guidelines

Direct debit is vital for donations in continental Europe. It's widely available, reliable, and now it could be for free! SEPA -the "Single Euro Payments Area"- harmonized money transfers throughout the EURozone, allowing for easy direct debit payments between any of the 18 EUR countries.

Making SEPA accessible for CiviCRM could be a real money saver for us: No more paying the expensive fees of the bureaus. Not to mention the outrageous costs and delays of credit card payments. Plus, you could have all the donor's information right where it belongs - in your CiviCRM.

Project60 started out more than a 18 months ago to seize this opportunity and (among other things) develop CiviSEPA - the SEPA direct debit integration into CiviCRM. We already released a very basic version some 10 months ago, but it was very hard to adapt to your individual workflows. Since then, we greatly improved the algorithms, the user interface and the reliability. We now believe, that with the upcoming 1.0 version, anyone can use it.

CiviSEPA has been in productive use since Febuary 2014 at organisations like WikiMedia France, muslimehelfen e.V., RobinWood, Bergwaldprojekt - and many more joining. At the moment, it safely processes thousands of payments each month.

In order to make CiviSEPA work with your organization, your donors, your workflow, we want you to test it. We just released CiviSEPA-1.0beta2, and in the next two weeks we will try to fix all bugs and inconveninces that would prevent you from using CiviSEPA. Test it, and let us know!

Find more information on the Project60 page, and come and talk to us at CiviCon London!

Best winds!


Congratulations! It sounds like it's been a long road -- it's great that 1.0 is within reach.

Congratulations on the milestone -- rocky roads are difficult but often very, very worthwile !

Sounds like this will be a really valauble addition to the CiviCRM toolkit and make Civi a more attrsactive option for many European organisations. Thank you for all your work on this. I have a client that is interested in this. I look forward to learning more in London next week.