Custom Fields and Profiles online training - January 22nd, 10 am MT

2019-01-18 16:21
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Would you like to gather specific information about your contacts, such as their dietary preferences when they register online for an event or industry information when an organization signs up for a membership? Or maybe you need to create a newsletter sign-up form for your website.

Register for the Cividesk training "Customize your Database with Custom Fields and Profiles" this Tuesday, January 22nd, 10 am - 12 pm MT and learn how to make all of this happen in CiviCRM!

This online training session is the next step after our beginner level classes, and will give you the instruction necessary to create custom fields according to best practices and use profiles to capture information from your constituents that is unique to your organization. In short, you'll customize your installation of CiviCRM to gather and store information that allows you to better engage with your constituents.

Register for this online training or contact Cividesk training manager Susan Engeman with any questions about this session or any of our other CiviCRM online training classes.


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