1.7 Alpha Sandbox

2007-03-12 10:18
Written by
Dave Greenberg - member of the CiviCRM community - view blog guidelines

We launched the 1.7 alpha sandbox this weekend. The site is designed to allow community members and developers to explore the new features in the 1.7 release and help us identify bugs in the release prior to the Beta launch (current 1.7 release schedule). Pounding on the sandbox will help enormously in improving the quality of the beta and final releases - so if you're interested in using the new features in 1.7 and contributing to CiviCRM - this is a great way to help.

1.7 is now running on our public demo: http://demo.civicrm.org

Logging In

Username: demo Password: demo

Things to Try

We'd appreciate folks trying out (testing) the basics - things you use everyday in your existing site. If you've requested or have been waiting for fixes and improvements to existing functionality - please try these things out as well. AND... then try out some of the major new features:
  • CiviEvent: The new component for event management and online event registration. You can...
  • Contact Dashboard: Authenticated users now have a screen where they can see their subscribed Group(s), Contributions, Membership(s), and upcoming Events they are registered for. Click My Contact Dashboard in the Shortcuts block or from the Drupal My Account page to see the dashboard for the demo user.
  • Access Control for Profiles and Custom Data
  • Email Message Templates: Save and reuse recurring templates with support for "mail-merge" tokens. Create new templates here - and use them when sending email to a contact.
More details on new and fixed issues can be found on the 1.7 Roadmap and the detailed issues listing.

Reporting Bugs

We will be setting the sample data in the database periodically so don't be alarmed if your test data "disappears." Bugs should be reported on our Issue Tracker. Click Create New Issue in the top nav bar. Please select version 1.7 in the Affects Version and Fix Version pick lists - and include detailed for recreating the bug.