This morning Jaap and I (both from CiviCooP) took a train to Bonn and walked from the HauptBahnhof to the Systopia offices. Quite a nice sunny morning, met Beethoven on our way!
We are joining some dudes from Systopia and Palasthotel to work on CiviMcRestFace (a first attempt at a CMS agnostic connector to CiviCRM) and CiviProxy (policeman between CiviCRM and the rest of the world - check https://github.com/systopia/CiviProxy ) in a sprint for 3 days. Good stuff, made possible by Heinrich Böll Stiftung, Amnesty International Flanders and PUM Senior Experts. As you can imagine we are hard at work, with regular insertions of coffee and cold water.
Our ambition is to add some necessary stuff to CiviMcRestFace and produce a documentation guide on both CiviProxy and CiviMcRestFace.
If you want to know more about the details of the stuff we are working on, contact either Björn (endres@systopia.de), Jaap (jaap.jansma@civicoop.org) or me (erik.hommel@civicoop.org).