Tahoe Sprint 2014 Report

2014-05-06 17:10
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This year's post CiviCon sprint was organized in Tahoe, where CiviCRM enthusiasts from our ever-growing community came forward to tackle the daunting task of fixing issues from 4.5 queue. The goal was to make significant progress towards alpha release. We subdivided the groups each one working with core team members Dave, Kurund, Tim, Coleman, Yashodha and our documentation guru Michael to get 4.5 into a decent shape for an alpha release and document the features as we go along.

The documentation team closed 31 issues over the 7 days we were here. As well as covering all new functionality for the upcoming 4.5 release (bar a few parts that are yet to be developed) we embarked on major restructuring and rewrite of the membership section, which we think makes it a lot more user friendly: it is now much easier to find the information you need, and we've reduced a lot of the repetition and redundant material. The restructuring was an experiment, based on some things we've learnt about documenting CiviCRM over the past few years.  We are really happy with how it turned out and think it will serve as a good model for restructuring other parts of the book over the next year or so. We also had a couple of useful discussions with Nicolas and Mathieu about improving our documentation infrastructure, and in particular, how we can provide a simple and robust infrastructure for documenting extensions. It is early days in this project but we'll publish a road map soon and should be able to make progress on this in the next few months.

Below are some of the significant areas that folks focussed during the code sprint:

  • Usability related fixes so that we can have a much sleeker 4.5
  • Various bug fixes and minor feature/improvements
  • Improving extensions, translations and developer-experience
  • Notable improvements to membership and events
  • Secure image handling and infrastructure improvements
  • CiviCase restructure for newer and better UI for better configurability
  • Finalized scope and timeline for CiviHR 1.4

You can read about each of the groups' progress in our previous blogs.

Result : 36 sprinters closed 100+ issues in 8 day's of the sprint. Its was amazing to see the dedication and effort from everyone at the sprint.



I would like to thank Adam W, Allan C, Alice A, Andrew H, Andrew T,  Dana S, Eileen M, Frank G, Joanne C, Joshua A, Karin G, Kevin C, Leez W, Lola S, Maggie E, Marisa P, Mark B, Mark H, Mathieu L, Max H, Michael D, Nathan P, Nicholas G, Peter P, Ruchi K, Sarah G, Tobias L, Tony M and Tyrell C who could make it to Tahoe and worked tirelessly towards making the sprint a big success. Although we think we have improved stuff a fair amount this sprint, there is always more to do, and we welcome your involvement from here on in.





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