

Denison, Verenigde Staten


About Joinery

We know organizations depend on tangible results: funds raised, lives changed, problems solved. At Joinery, we lead our clients to greater growth and effectiveness through efficient management of their CRM systems. Relying on the strengths of CiviCRM, we make your data clean, accessible, and organized -- so you can find what you need and understand it without headache.

Joinery focuses on partnering with our clients by providing clear and timely communication, honest expertise, and high-quality deliverables. We've been developing CRM solutions for non-profits since 2001, and offering dedicated CiviCRM services since 2009.

Managing Director Allen Shaw is a regular contributor of open-source software including Drupal modules, CiviCRM extensions, and features and bug-fixes in CiviCRM core. He's also a regular participant in code development sprints with the CiviCRM core team and group leader for the CiviCRM Extensions Working Group.

Data migration, reporting, custom features, and more. We're here to make your data work for you.

Our CiviCRM Services

Strategic advisement, coaching, and training; Data migrations from any CRM or data source; Custom integration with third-party APIs; Emergency fixes for poorly handled projects; Reporting and data visualization; Custom development on new or existing CiviCRM extensions and CiviCRM core.