San Francisco Meetup - July 2010

2010-07-23 17:15
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We had a lively meetup on Tuesday at Wikimedia Foundation HQ in San Francisco. There was pretty cool mix of organizations represented:
  • board member and director from a "start-up" independent middle school looking to use CiviCRM and Drupal to support their vision of student - teacher - administration - parent collaboration
  • IT folks from an association of psychoanalysts - looking to implement CiviCRM and Drupal for fund-raising and events
  • two new developers from Wikimedia Foundation - looking towards making CiviCRM a more effective tool for their users
The focus of the meeting was review and Q/A on the upcoming 3.2 release. I walked through a slideshow of highlights - and we took frequent detours to my sandbox to dig deeper into features when folks had questions. I've been thinking that we've taken some big steps in usability and "polish" in 3.2 - and the reactions during the meetup reinforced this. My goal for the next few meetups is to recruit some other voices to lead sessions. Carl Tashian from the Participatory Politics Foundation has agreed to share their experiences migrating to CiviCRM from phpList in September (tentative meetup date is September 14). If you're in the San Francisco Bay Area and are a CiviCRM user, integrator or developer - and you're interested in sharing your experiences and/or leading a discussion on any Civi-related topic .... send me mail at dave at civicrm dot org.
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