CiviProxy and CiviMcRestFace sprint in Bonn

2017-07-21 01:40
Written by
jaapjansma - member of the CiviCRM community - view blog guidelines

CiviCooP and Systopia and Palasthotel have been working together on CiviProxy and CiviProxy. This blog is a round up of what we have achieved in the last couple of days. The first thing we have achieved is that we had fun and a very good work atmosphere. We made long days and made lots of progress.

What are CiviProxy and CiviMcRestFace?

CiviProxy is a script to act as an application firewall for CiviCRM. It could be used to put your civicrm in secure network. CiviProxy is the gatekeeper to which external systems, such as your website, connect (this is for example when a user signs a petition on your website and the website submits this data to your CiviCRM). CiviProxy will make sure the call is from the right place (ip-adress) and is only doing what allowed to do. 

CiviMcRestFace (CiviMRF) is a framework to be used in other systems (such as your external website) to connect to CiviCRM. The framework itself is divided in three parts: the abstract core (CMS/System independent), the core implementation (e.g. a Drupal 7 implementation), and lastly the module who is doing the actual submission (for example the cmrf_webform module which provides the functionality to submit a webform to CiviCRM).

What we have achieved:

  • Completed the documentation on CiviProxy:
  • Got a working drupal 7 module with CiviMcRestFace:
    • Completed screens for set up connection profiles (you can also provide the connection credentials through your module with an api; so that you can store them somewhere outside the database)
    • Completed screen for the call log (a call is submission to CiviCRM through CiviMcRestFace)
    • Added functionality to queue calls and run them in the background and added functionality to retry failed calls
    • Added a basic webform integration module to submit a webform to the CiviCRM Api
    • Added a rules integration module so that you can perform additional actions when a call succeeds or fails. Probably a use case is when a call fails you want to send the data by e-mail to the CiviCRM Administrator so that he or she can enter the data manually.
    • Added an example module so you can see how you could use the cmrf_core module in your durpal projects
    • Code:
  • Got a start with the drupal 8 module for CiviMcRestFace: