Help us Promote CiviCon

2015-02-12 10:13
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CiviCon Denver (and all the events taking place around the conference) will take place the week of April 20th.  The marketing team needs your help to promote this event.    We are launching a social media campaign and its success depends heavily on your involvement.  

The campaign revolves around Reasons for Attending CiviCon.  We are asking y'all (and yes, that includes YOU, whether you're an administrator, user, implementer, developer, partner or core team member) to not only  tweet about #CiviCon, but to also post selfies with the reasons why you think others would benefit from attending #CiviCon.

Below are some sample tweets that you are free to use.  We encourage you to come up with your own reasons if they're not listed below:  Reasons for Attending #CiviCon

  • I attend #CiviCon because I can talk to experts and get my questions answered.
  • I attend #CiviCon because I can get experts’ opinions on how to tackle some of our challenges.
  • I attend #CiviCon because I like to know what new functionality is coming down the pike.
  • I attend #CiviCon because it allows me to see how other organizations similar to mine are using CiviCRM.
  • Presentations of case studies #CiviCon excites me because I get ideas that I can implement in my organization that have worked for others.
  • I attend #CiviCon because I get to network and meet in person, people that I’ve only interacted with online.
  • I attend #CiviCon bc once I get back to work I am more efficient because I can use the knowledge learned in the workshops & presentations.
  • I find it super useful to attend #CiviCon bc I see examples of how others are using CiviCRM.
  • #CiviCon is great because I get to connect with members of the CiviCRM core team.
  • Reason for attending #CiviCon:  Love the online #CiviCRM community!  Loved it even more once I met everybody in person.
  • We love showcasing how we use #CiviCRM’s flexibility to solve our customers’ problem.  Think out of the box!  #CiviCon.

The 5 minutes that takes you to participate will go a LOOOONG way to promote CiviCon.  Thanks for participating and don't forget to Retweet!



This is really great, and I hope we'll get lots of action on Twitter! I'd encourage folks to use both #CiviCon and #CiviCRM hashtags in their tweets.