Participate in 2014 Nonprofit Technology Conference and other CiviCRM Events in DC (March 11-15)

2013-12-20 12:10
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The 2014 Nonprofit Technology Conference (14NTC) is coming to Washington, DC, March 13-15. Don’t miss the opportunity to take part in the largest gathering of nonprofit professionals that put technology to use for their causes. Register now to attend the 14NTC to learn the latest nonprofit technology tools and trends, to share best practices from your peers, and to take part in all of the networking opportunities that this three-day event has to offer.

There's no shortage of educational experiences at the 2014 NTC. Learn alongside passionate nonprofit professionals who, like you, want to use technology effectively to advance their missions and bring about social change. Breakout sessions, training courses, and consultations offer the valuable learning opportunities you need to keep moving forward. Check out the agenda to learn more about educational sessions, interactive workshops, and networking events.  Stop by the CiviCRM booth!

Plan on being in DC earlier that week as there will be a two-day CiviCRM User and Administrator training on March 11-12 before the NTC kicks off. And on the 13th, we'll have a fun and engaging Users' Showcase at the Hillyer Art Space (details will follow)