Give your users customised automated tours of civicrm

2018-10-02 16:57
Written by
petednz - member of the CiviCRM community - view blog guidelines

The Civi Summit was a great event - full of lots of nice surprises. One that stands out for me was that what started out as some wishful thinking - namely having the ability to provide on-page tours/tutorials - ended up with us being able to beta test a 'proof of concept' before we left.

While some amongst us (ahem) were sampling the whiskey and fine IPAs late in the evening along to the strumming of the musically-able folk, others remained focussed on their laptops - and in Coleman's case this meant getting us a working prototype of a tour/tutorial system for civi pages.

This will give us all the ability to create user guidance on the screen, with settings to determine which Group members get which tutorials, whether they can skip/defer and come back to them later, multi-language/translation options and lots more.

You will even be able to daisy-chain your tutorials together so a new user can take themselves on a very quick but comprehensive tour of the many features in civi that you want them to know about.

I anticipate this will become a very widely used feature. An initial tour will get shipped with the extension but you will be able to add as many as you like.

The MIH is up and running now. Please join me in donating to this.

And enjoy the animated screenshots below as a taster.


What the user sees


What the Admin gets to use