Make It Happen update for 4.4

2013-06-07 00:00
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As we gear up to work on our next major milestone release CiviCRM 4.4, there's been a considerable excitement within the team for our MIH campaign. We believe the new features and new improvements to existing features outlined for 4.4 definitely will add value to the CiviCRM software.

Based on our project plan, the fundraising deadline for the MIHs is 16th of June - that is just under two weeks away.

Taking a stock of where we stand as of today, I want to share the progress of MIH campaign 2013

MIH ones are on their way to be successful

  • CiviBooking The aim of the module will be to create a CMS independent extension to allow organisations to manage a group of resources (i.e. rooms) offering these to constituents for a fee. Significant pledges will get a free service to implement and configure the extension provided by GMCVO/Compucorp.
  • Faster and more user friendly searches This MIH will fund behind the scenes improvements to searching that will make the search experience faster, more configurable, and more user friendly.
  • CiviVolunteer CiviVolunteer aims to provide tools for working with volunteers from recruiting, training, assignment, and scheduling through to tracking and rewards programs.

MIH ones are almost halfway there :

  • Soft credit improvements Improve Civi’s capacity to track soft credits, and enable users to access soft credit data when searching for and reporting on contributions and giving history.
  • SEPA Direct Debit integration Get CiviCRM ready for the new SEPA Direct Debit standard and enable users to sign up single or recurring contributions and execute the SEPA DD process flawlessly !
  • (Semi)automatic processing of bank transactions Make CiviCRM users happier than ever, and take a way (most of) the pain in converting bank statement information into contributions. This extension will feature a set of plugin adapters capable of importing bank transactions (from bank statements in national bank formats or extracts from accounting systems). Once imported, a number of heuristics will be available to interpret the payment data and generate the contributions and contacts and update other CiviCRM entities as needed.

MIH which need some love (and more sponsorship) from the community to get them funded:

  • CiviCase configuration user interface  We propose to develop a User Interface that automates this process of creating the specified Case Type, Activity Types, Relationship Types (as required) and will generate the necessary xml configuration file, including the Activity Sets. This will make the process of creating new case types a lot easier and more stable.
  • Recurring events and recording attendence Enable Civi to record attendance for Civi groups and handle complex events like weekly classes, repeating events and training courses with multiple sessions. Record and report on attendance.

Kindly share the message with your client base and civi folks in general. Please consider funding the MIH's that are super-important to your organisation and remember its the time you can make a difference.

Let's try to get all the features outlined funded so that we as a community can leverage the openness and collectiveness that Civi stands for and tries to imbibe through our MIH program.

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