CiviCRM Sprint Berlin Day 2

2022-05-18 07:43
Written by
Fabian_SYSTOPIA - member of the CiviCRM community - view blog guidelines

Coleman met us online at 2:00 pm cet (thanks for getting up early!) and gave a presentation on the formbuilder's (new) features. After that he continued to support us to work with Jens on the Entity Construction Kit. We hope that soon this will lead to a lot of UI being created automatically once you create a custom entity.

Greenpeace staff presented the new version of the SQL Task Manager and it is amazing stuff - every nerds dream ^^ We hope for a bit more detailed documentation soon but here's a teaser:

  • Flexible multi actions: use more than one one action within a task e.g. two api calls
  • Add & rearrange actions in SQL-task edit UI
  • Global token: define token in a config UI to use in your SQL-tasks e.g. to avoid including a password in an SQL-task
  • Templates for SQL Tasks ans Actions: Avoid copy & paste when creating new tasks by using templates for tasks & actions
  • Input parameter support: Provide any input parameter when using an SQL Task that can be used within the task (e.g. in the SQL query)
  • CiviRules integration: Calls an SQL task from CiviRules and use the parameters provided by CiviRules within your task
  • Use the API for everything: Use the API to manage, create, run etc. your SQL Tasks or parts thereof. One use case is that extensions automatically create and use SQL tasks - woopwoop!
  • Use your task's action results for other actions of the same tasks. For example if you want action 1 of your task to create an activity, action 2 another activity and your task is supposed to link those two.
  • Improved error handling: Tasks will by default no longer process actions after there has been an error but utilize the error handling routine and cleanup script instead. Also there are now more options for error handling.

Finally we are still working on documentation and cookbook recipes, particularly on how to automate anonimisation of contacts. We were wondering about the best place to put such a recipe but are sure to find a good home for them soon.

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Finally we get blog posts with memes included. The project is advancing and getting more attractive for younger people, too. Keep up the great work, Fabian!