Help get CiviCRM working with WordPress Multisite

2015-02-17 04:46
Written by
awestbha - member of the CiviCRM community - view blog guidelines

Would a Civi integration with WordPress Multisite be useful to you? We're trying to find partners to help us fund a full integration.

WordPress Multisite allows you to have independent sites under the same installation. This greatly simplifies administration and backups, to say the least, and it'd be great for Civi to support such setups. At the BHA our needs are relatively simple - we want different sites within multisite to have access to the same Civi database.

But there's plenty more to Civi's potential multisite support than that - you can have separate databases with a shared user table, site-specific membership types, site-specific payment processors...and plenty more (see the wiki page for full details). This all seems doable. It's a matter of getting Civi and Wordpress talking to each other properly, as well as potentially fixing the existing issues with multisite support.

Christian Wach has been doing remarkable work with the WordPress integration, and is interested in extending this to the WP Multisite setup. It seems a shame to just focus on our particular needs when there's so much possibility, so we're looking for partners to help fund a broader integration. Can you help? If you're interested, please let us know on the forum post.


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