CiviCRM Entity 2.0-beta7 Released

2017-04-28 08:36
Written by
jackrabbithanna - member of the CiviCRM community - view blog guidelines

CiviCRM Entity 2.0-beta7 has been released.

Pick it up now at the Project Page

Changes since beta6:

Add Rules action Assign Contact to Group
Add Rules action Remove Contact from Group
Add Integration for IM entity
Add Integration for Website entity
Add integration for Contribution Recur
Add Rules event for CiviCRM Price Set Field 'After Successful CC Transaction'
CiviCRM Price Set Field , improved support for price fields with multiple checkboxes
Fix issues with CiviCRM Core Contribution Recur Views integration
Enable CiviCRM Entity Reference field on parent entity 'add', Inline Entity Form Single widget, for Contacts
Expose civicrm_world_region table to Views

Views Relationships:

  • Membership -> Membership Payment
  • Participant -> Participant Payment
  • Participant Payment -> Participant
  • Explicit Relationship from Address -> Country
  • Country -> World Region

Overhaul of CiviCRM Entity Inline, inline entity form widget FAPI generation and handling
Minor bug fixes for CiviCRM Entity, CiviCRM Price Set Field, CiviCRM Entity Discount, CiviCRM Entity Reference Field


CiviCRM Entity is close to its stable, non-beta release.  We've had fewer and fewer bug reports each release, and only 1 found in the main module since beta6. Unless something is broken, 2.0 will be cut next.

Development sponsored by Skvare

Thanks to all our contributors and users!