2007-01-12 16:25
NTEN (Non-profit Technology Enterprise Network) recently posed a series of questions to software vendors serving the non-profit community. Here's a draft of our response. We will be revising this entry over the next few days. Would be great for the community to comment and/or contribute to our response. The questions are in bold type.
Does your product have APIs that allow other applications to access data from your application?
Yes. CiviCRM includes a substantial set of API's which are being used to exchange data and integrate CiviCRM with other applications. We also use SOAP API's internally to integrate the CiviMail high-capacity broadcast email component with the CiviCRM Core.
Do you have features that call APIs of other applications?
Yes. We use this fairly extensively to add more functionality to CiviCRM. A few ones that come to mind are:
- Integration with two popular open source Content Management Systems, Drupal and Joomla.
- Integration with Yahoo! and Google API's for their geocoding and mapping services
- Integration with online payment services from Paypal (WebPayment Pro (Soap/XML) and IPN) and Moneris. The abstraction is flexible enough to plugin other payment processors.
- Integration with USPS web services
- CiviCRM Public API's
- Using CiviCRM APIs - Code Snippets
- SVN repository of unit tests for CiviCRM API
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