CiviCRM 5.23 Release

2020-03-05 05:34
Written by
dev-team - official CiviCRM announcement

CiviCRM version 5.23.0 is now out and ready to download.

This is a regular monthly release.

Upgrade now for the most stable CiviCRM experience:

Users of the CiviCRM Extended Security Releases (ESR) do not need to upgrade, as there are no ESR-specific bugfixes or security issues at the moment.

What's new in CiviCRM 5.23

This version changes the database schema, has changes to the API, as well as the usual bugfixes and minor feature improvements.

  • Export: The 'Select Fields' screen on step 3 of the Export wizard has a new interface which makes it possible to easily re-order selected fields.
  • Export: "Address ID" fields are now exportable.
  • PDF Letter: New PDF letter functionality for Activities using new token processor
  • CiviCase: Adds the ability to use case tokens in PDF Letters and single emails.
  • CiviCase: Adds a setting to restrict contacts available to be selected for a case role by group.
  • CiviContribute: Add columns to Contribution Detail report: Employer, Location Type, Preferred Communication Method.
  • CiviContribute: Add "Contributor Name" to Offline Contribution Receipts.
  • CiviContribute: Add pre/post hooks on ContributionSoft entity.
  • CiviContribute: Deprecate creating partially paid contributions, other than by partially paying a contribution.
  • CiviEvent: Exposes an option to show event location on the event configuration tab.
  • Mailing labels: Updates the default font for mailing labels to be "Deja Vu Sans" which is a font that supports unicode characters.
  • CiviMail: Improves the CiviMail "view in browser" experience by allowing personalized links.
  • CiviMember: Adds the text "(Overridden)" next to the membership status when viewing a membership for which the status has been overridden.
  • Search: Smart groups with deleted/disabled custom fields throw fatal error on its usage.
  • Database: New utf8 to utfmb8 conversion api command. This is intended to help early adopters using the utf8mb4 standard (which includes support for emojis) with CiviCRM.
  • Translations: New setting which allows a custom resource directory for translation files (and allows the directory to be outside of the main code base, which helps for Drupal8 and those using composer to manage their CiviCRM builds).
  • Translations: The CiviCRM Resources dashlet now displays in the user's language (if a translation is available).
  • Hooks: Adds a new hook hook_civicrm_alterExternUrl which can be used by extension developers to alter the location of scripts (this will improve WordPress and Drupal8).
  • MySQL8 support improvements.
  • API4: Many improvements (yay formbuilder).
  • WordPress: Ensures CiviCRM will always pick up the language that WordPress is configured to use instead of having to configure the language in both CiviCRM and WordPress.
  • WordPress: Enable CiviCRM "Clean URLs" by default (in civicrm.settings.php).
  • Drupal8: The old Views integration that was part of core and which was deprecated in favour of the CiviCRM Entity module. You may want to make sure that the old core views module is disabled before upgrading to 5.23. Read more
  • Drupal8: fixes enabling language breaks a fresh CiviCRM install.
  • Drupal7: fixes a session bug when masquerading as another user.

This is only a short overview. You can read the full release notes here. Big thanks to Andrew Hunt and Alice Frumin from AGH Strategies for putting up together release notes.

The complete list of 5.23.0 contributors (it's a huge team!) can be found here. Thanks to everyone for making this release happen!

Public service announcement: if you are currently running on PHP 7.0, you may want to start upgrading to PHP 7.1 or later (PHP 7.3 is recommended), or consider soon moving to Extended Security Releases to extend PHP 7.0 support by another 6 months. discussion in Gitlab More details will be published on the blog soon.

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