User Summit Session Announcements: Round 2!

2015-08-14 10:02
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I’m pleased to report on our next batch of approved User Summit sessions. We are thrilled with the schedule so far and only have a few spots left before our schedule is complete! A big thanks goes out to everyone who has submitted so far and especially to those who have agreed to present.


This second round of session approvals includes a real range in learning and discussion opportunities for attendees. One session that the User Summit organizers are particularly excited about is Ask Us Anything with the CiviCRM Core Team. If you have any burning questions for the people who work for CiviCRM or just want to hear a lively discussion about the history and future of CiviCRM you should attend this session. In addition to taking questions live, we’ll also be taking questions on Twitter. Tweet @CiviUserSummit with your questions. We are lucky to have so many Core Team members travel to DC for the User Summit this year and thankful that they are being good sports and taking part in this session!


Also approved in this round, are sessions on Smart Groups, debugging your own website, using CiviEvent for events of all sizes, and using CiviCRM for peer-to-peer fundraising.


If you have already submitted a session, but it’s not listed below, don’t worry - it might still be approved in the next round.


Below you’ll find the list of approved sessions so far and a link to their full descriptions:


Are you still contemplating submitting a session? Remember that nonprofit employees whose sessions are approved get a free registration, and any nonprofit employee who submits a session that isn’t approved will receive the early bird rate regardless of when they register. What is there to lose?

And if you’re looking for ideas on what to submit here are some sessions we would love to have: anything on using scheduled reminders, or achieving buy in for your CiviCRM project. We would also be thrilled to have a user perspective for the payment processor and smart group sessions, so if you would like to speak about your experiences with choosing, implementing and managing a payment processor (it doesn’t matter which one) or you’re a smart group pro please email

Tweet @civiusersummit to let us know what sessions you would like to see!


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