Hey Members! Ask the Teacher & CiviTip

2016-10-30 07:03
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Earlier this year, we did a community wide survey to better understand the CiviCRM user base as well as help refine our priorities as a Core Team. While there were a few surprises in the results, one item that we expected to stand out was a need for ongoing training. Let’s face it… CiviCRM can be complicated, at least for those that leverage its full potential and adapt it to their own business processes. Though there are a ton of resources to help, such as documentation, videos, training events and webinars, most could likely benefit from ongoing training opportunities. That’s why we’re psyched to roll out two new member benefits focused on training: Ask the Teacher, and access to CiviDesk’s CiviTips!

Ask the Teacher

Starting in February 2017, CiviCRM member organizations will have access to quarterly online webinars in which Stuart Gaston, aka CiviTeacher, will answer all questions related to CiviCRM, and maybe some related to life in general. Think of it like Car Talk, only we’re not talking cars… we’re talking CiviCRM. So bring your questions and let Stuart solve all your problems. And, if he can’t, you might catch a rare glimpse of Dream Crusher, his alter ego that won’t pull punches on what you can’t do with CiviCRM!

Ask the Teacher webinars are intended to be a Q&A forum for members only. These quarterly webinars are generously contributed by CiviTeacher. Don’t forget, members receive a discount on CiviTeacher’s video library! Ask the Teacher webinars will be listed at http://civicrm.org/webinars and members will receive notice and invites in advance of each.


Big thanks to CiviCRM partner CiviDesk for opening up their quick, online webinars to CiviCRM members! These webinars, known as CiviTips, provide users with a 30 minute overview of a key feature or process within CiviCRM. CiviTips run frequently, so check http://civicrm.org/webinars for details. Don’t forget that CiviDesk also offers 25% discount on their more intensive online trainings.