Gift Aid is getting old... v2.1

2013-10-15 16:29
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Pheph, if you thought that was good... wait for this one.
Post no 2: Gift Aid Module v2.1
Growing older isn't fun, but on the case of CiviCRM extensions it sure is. We're pleased to celebrate the CiviCRM Gift Aid 2.1 and "stable" release.
Yup thats right. No more cries of "what is that Git thing" and "how do I register a new report", you can now get all the Gift Aid(ing) goodness direct from the extensions tab. 
Thats not all, it still plays nicely with the super cool "I didint even have to print any paper" Gift Aid online submissions module that you can get here.
But whats that we hear you cry? You already broke several fingernails and needed 2 months of rehab after downloading and installing version 1.0 or version 2.0 from GitHub?
Thats fine - we've got some super simple just-a-few-clicks instructions on how to upgrade your previous version at the link below:
Not sure what all this Gift Aiding thing is all about? Well feature list below:
- Creates custom fields for contributions to allow you to record whether a donation is eligible for Gift Aid
- Creates a profile that you can add to online contribution pages so that people can make a Gift Aid declaration when donating to your site.
- Creates custom fields for a donor "Gift Aid declaration" that records the date they made the declaration... y'know, just in case HMRC ask for something like that...
- If donations are eligable for Gift Aid you can add them to a batch using the actions drop down on the contribution search
- You can search, retrieve and edit your batches using the contribution search
- You can submit your batches online with the online submission module
And last but not least.... you can count the £'s as they come in using CiviBanking!
Cool beans!
Any issues, hit us up on the Gift Aid issues list on the Compucorp Github here
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