Want to customize the contact summary screen?

2018-07-20 11:34
Written by
colemanw - member of the CiviCRM community and Core Team member - about the Core Team

Configurable contact summary layouts are coming soon. Help make it happen!

Have you ever wanted to rearrange the contact summary screen? Move the most important information to the top? Remove unnecessary stuff? Create a simplified layout for your volunteers and interns but a more robust layout for your fundraising team? The Contact Summary Layout Editor extension is coming soon, thanks to seed funding from the Wikimedia foundation. If you or your users could benefit from this great new feature, please contribute to the make-it-happen campaign today!

Here's a sneak peak of what the editor looks like:

Saving the above configuration will result in a contact summary screen that looks like this (using the Shoreditch theme and the Relationship Block extension): 


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