We are in the final countdown to the UK CiviCamp in Leeds, on the 3rd May 2019. Lots of the sessions are now finalised and there will be a good range of topics and opportunities to find out more:
- Introduction to CiviCRM
- Organising Data effictively in CiviCRM
- Managing Events using CiviCRM
- Memberships, plus a run through the new developments recently posted in a blog online
- Cases in CiviCRM, including some new developments
- An introduction to using Webforms and Views in Drupal to simplify inputting and display custom reports
And more! We will also have 'Lightening Talks' where we showcase recent developments, and an opportunity to bring your own topics and share with fellow users and CiviCRM community members.
Plus, for those who've not visited Leeds before, come and see our beautiful city - the location for our event is very central, and there is a pleasant 10-minute walk past some very fine arcitecture from the train station.
Last chance to book as we confirm the final numbers: Book Now!
We look forward to seeing you there! Any queries, please contact rose@ruzasolutions.co.uk