Dealing with joint greetings ( part 2 ) code provided.

2010-02-16 21:18
Written by
SarahGladstone - member of the CiviCRM community - view blog guidelines

This is a follow up to my earlier blog entry at The topic of how to properly greet and send mail to couples, such as "Jane and John Doe" has been discussed many times, such as at the blog post: But the problem with the approach described there ( and included in CiviCRM 3.0 ) Is it requires information about someone's spouse in their contact record and marking half on the contacts "Do not mail" even though there are times when I DO want to communicate with just one spouse or the other for different events. So I wrote some code that implements some new tokens called "joint_greeting_casual", "joint_greeting_formal", "joint_greeting_formal_firstname". The code can be downloaded from After downloading and unzipping the file, follow the directions for using hooks with Joomla or Drupal at the CiviCRM wiki.Some examples of the token output for couples and single contacts: joint_greeting_casual = John and Jane Doe Daniel Jones joint_greeting_formal = Mr. and Mrs. Doe Mr. Jones joint_greeting_formal_firstname = Mr. and Mrs. John Doe Mr. Daniel Doe These hooks have been tested with CiviCRM versions 2.2.8 and better, under both Drupal and Joomla. -Sarah