First EU developer camp

2009-11-09 13:36
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Hi all, Following the success of the UK developer camp and meetup this summer, Michael, the Polish team of CiviCRM (Michał and Piotr) and myself have been discussing about organising one in Brussels. We have chosen to organise it just before or after FOSDEM, that will happen this year on the 6th and 7th of February 2010. This event is an opportunity where CiviCRM developers, administrator and users from the UK and Europe can get together around CiviCRM – and we’d like you to tell us what you want to see at the camp. The developer camp is aimed at those that want to learn more about CiviCRM from the people involved in its development. If you are interested in improving your CiviCRM admin skills, learning more about developing with CiviCRM or helping improve the product in any other way, then this camp is for you. We’ll also be holding a user meet up and CiviCRM showcase as part of this event. For both the developer camp and the user meet up, we’ll follow a similar structure to the events (a meet up and a developer camp) that we have used in the US or in the UK. The more interest we have, the more core team members will be able to come, so let us know if you are interested in attending – and what you’d like to see covered by posting a comment. Based on your input, we will quickly create an event so you can register. Xavier
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Good idea! We would be very interested in attending, count us in.

Topics we are interested in:

  • we would like to discuss Case Management and show what we have done with it
  • performance (potentially a big issue in our market)
  • architecture (api/hook)

We would be able to tell people about our project in De Goede Woning and our second CiviCRM project which we are about to start.
Look forward to it!!!!

This is exactly what we are looking for I think. We are just starting to plan out the CiviCRM phase of our project and have come up again a knowledge brick wall with extending CiviCRM, hopefully this would help bridge that gap?

Where can I find out more information? Very interested!

Hi Xavier,

Great news. I'm really happy to help you out here. I'd also like to try and organise a CiviCRM event at fosdem. Have been talking to Adam at Flossmanuals and we are thinking that we might be able to organise a joint CiviCRM flossmanuals Developer Room. Ideas for this include a mini book sprint to update the CiviCRM manual. There are likely to be some Flossmanuals people interested in translation there as well (maybe of other flossmanuals) and with lots of Europeans around, I am thinking / hoping it might be a very fertile space.

There are lots of ifs at this point - the first of which is getting a room at fosdem - but I wanted to flag this up early.

Do you have any plans for Fosdem?

Great! I've set up CiviCRM for a couple of organizations and I use it at work for an NGO in Brussels. I'll definitely be around myself and I know some more people who will very likely want to come.