Exeter Sprint - 27th and 28th July 2022

2022-07-01 07:20
Written by
michaelmcandrew - member of the CiviCRM community - view blog guidelines

This July 27th and 28th we are planning a friendly and informal CiviCRM Sprint at Kaleider Studios in Exeter UK.

Sprints are in person events where the main focus is working together to contribute back to CiviCRM. They are often large events, many months in the planning but this one will be a lot smaller and more informal.

Everyone is welcome - you don't need to be a CiviCRM guru or a developer to attend - the only requirements are a desire to contribute back and at least some familiarity with CiviCRM.

Aside from contributing back, sprints are also a great way to get to know other people in the CiviCRM community and although they aren't training events, you will likely improve your CiviCRM skills.

There is no fixed agenda for this sprint but we'll do our best to cater to the interests of attendees. You are welcome to pop in for both days or just one day if you prefer. We'll also likely meet up for a bite to eat / drink the evening of the 26th. Accommodation and food won't be provided but looking on the bright side, this is a free event!

We hope that you can join us. If you would like to come along, or you have any questions, please email michaelmcandrew@thirdsectordesign.org so we have an idea of numbers. And if you have any logistical questions or are wondering whether this is for you, please get in touch.

Thanks to Third Sector Design for sponsoring the venue for this event.

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Thanks for organising this Michael - it will be great to see some Civi-folks again