A buzzing atmosphere at CiviCamp London

2023-06-30 01:31
Written by
wmortada - member of the CiviCRM community - view blog guidelines

It was great to be back in London for the first UK CiviCamp in three years. 63 people from 36 different organisations attended the day-long event which was packed with sessions about how to make the best use of CiviCRM.

Heather speaking
Heather Oliver introduces the day.

For those that haven’t been before, CiviCamp is an informal conference for CiviCRM users. It’s a friendly affair, with plenty of opportunity to meet other people and share tips about how to make best use of our favourite CRM. It typically has a range of workshops that cover the different aspects of CiviCRM. Attendees can network and learn from each other about the various ways the system can be used. 

The programme for this CiviCamp included sessions on topics such as: sending mailings, taking payments, managing events, creating forms and communications management. There were some quick-fire presentations on the latest developments in CiviCRM. This included the launch of a Green channel in chat to discuss how we can reduce the environmental impact of CiviCRM and make it more sustainable.

John Kingsnorth summed up the day by talking about the importance of community in CiviCRM. Although we have come together around a piece of open source software, the software is just a tool. What brings us together is the desire to bring about social change.

“We’re not here for the money. We’re passionate about making a positive change to society.”

Oliver Gibson speaking
Oliver Gibson talks about an online ticketing system for the Royal Highland Show.

For more detail about the day read this thread on LinkedIn or follow #CiviCamp on Mastodon.

If you missed this event, don’t worry, there’ll be another CiviCamp in Manchester in December, and for German speakers there’s one in Leipzig in September. See more events on the CiviCRM Events page.

Join us in:


Some of the speakers have shared their slides from their sessions below:

If you spoke at CiviCamp London and your slides aren’t here please send me an email (williammortada@thirdsectordesign.org) and I’ll add them to the list.

Group standing around a campfire with drinks
Chatting around the campfire after CiviCamp London
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