More sessions confirmed for CiviCamp Manchester

2023-11-13 01:48
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wmortada - member of the CiviCRM community - view blog guidelines
CiviCamp Manchester 1 December 2023

We look forward to welcoming you to CiviCamp Manchester on Friday 1 December 2023. Following last week's post, we are pleased to announce the next set of sessions that have been confirmed for this day-long conference.

With participants joining us from around the world, this will be a fantastic opportunity to catch up with the latest developments in CiviCRM, meet to core team members and speak to extension developers.

There's only two weeks to go. Make sure that you don't miss out!

Event management with CiviCRM

Heather Oliver, Systems and Databases Manager, Red Hot Irons

This session will cover all things CiviEvent and how to get your event management off the ground. We’ll take a look at managing your event from beginning to end, including delegate recruitment, management, and communications.

We’ll also provide insights into some of the more advanced features you may wish to aspire to! Bring any CiviEvent questions with you or come along and share your event experience with others.

Power up your email communications

Rich Lott, Artful Robot

Understand clicks, bounces, holds and how to do segmentation.

We'll look at how standard email marketing metrics are calculated and what that means for understanding your mailings' relative success. When does an email bounce, and what to do about it? How to segment your list safely. Plus, we'll touch on a few email-related extensions to help make this stuff more fun.

Connect your website to a remote CiviCRM

Jaap Jansma, CiviCooP

In this session we will look at how you can connect an external website to CiviCRM using the Data Processor and Form Processor extensions. The point of this session is to show that you can access CiviCRM data in a separate system without the need for any programming skills.

This session will cover how to create an events list and event registration pages on the remote website but a similar process would enable you to create a membership or volunteer portal, or manage newsletter subscriptions.


This is an open question and answer session for anyone to bring their CiviCRM related questions to. Have a question specific to your CiviCRM set up? Come along to the CiviClinic to learn from other attendees on how to solve any CiviCRM bugbears or conundrums you have.

There will be a wealth of experience in the room including CiviCRM core team members, UK partners and others that have been using CiviCRM for years. This will be your chance to ask that question that you really wanted to know the answer to.

Lightning talks

This will be a quick-fire round of short talks on a range of different topics. Get to hear the latest on new developments in CiviCRM.

Talks confirmed so far include:

  • Send nicely branded emails with the Pretty Workflow Messages extension
  • CiviFlow - how long running and persistent processes in Prefect can be launched from CiviRules
  • Improve your analytics with the Google Tag Manager extension

If you have something you'd like to share, please email me on

CiviCamp Manchester is preceded by admin training and followed by a sprint. Read more about what is happening in CiviCRM Manchester 2023.

Let me know if you have any questions by emailing

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