CiviCRM @ NCVO conference London

2013-11-12 08:09
Written by
jamienovick - member of the CiviCRM community - view blog guidelines

Pheph... after a brief respite its back to the CiviCRM marketing front here in the UK.

This month it was time to hit the road and get the CiviCRM banners out to exhibit at the NCVO Trustees conference in London. The National Council for Voluntary Organisations (NCVO) is the largest umbrella body for the voluntary and community sector in England. 

The NCVO Trustees conference was a conference targeted at the Trustees of Non-profit and Third sector organisations. With over 400 attendees representing a big cross section of organisations, we thought the event would be a great opportunity to raise awareness of CiviCRM and Open source to the highest levels of the organisation. 

3 Companies came together to represent CiviCRM:

You can see our ugly mugs below!

The ugly mugshots...

Here in the UK we're going to try and make a concerted effort to represent Civi at as many of these events as we can. We believe that improved visability at these kinds of events (along with other promotion) is going to be key in taking Civi to the next level. If you're based in the UK and would be interested in representing Civi on behalf of your Company then do get in touch ( and we'll try and spread the love!





Kudos to Compucorp, Circle Interactive and GMVCO Databases for getting out there and evangelizing for Civi!

really awesome to see how the community in UK is coming together and ensuring there is a presence at all these major events. Definitely super important for civi at this growth stage ...

keep up the great work folks :)
