If you haven't checked it out yet, the CiviCRM Stack Exchange is a Q&A site where folks can get free support for using CiviCRM.
It's simple to use - ask a question, get answers. Users vote on both questions and answers, and there's no chit-chat, just answers. You earn reputation points when people vote for your questions and answers. Many top CiviCRM experts use the site and answer questions.
If you're looking for a way to support the CiviCRM community with minimal investment, using the site is a great way to do it! Asking a good question - or upvoting someone else's good answer - both help to improve the quality of CiviCRM support. We're also looking to increase our Stack Exchange traffic so our site is promoted to the top tier of exchanges. So if you've visited before, now's a great time to visit again.
Take a look today - take the 60 second tour or just get started.
How to get your CiviCRM questions answered - for free
2016-03-17 09:30
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