CiviCRM Melbourne Meetup - Thursday 5th December

2019-11-03 15:13
Written by
MickC - member of the CiviCRM community - view blog guidelines

This Fourth meetup of 2019 will have the theme 'Contact Management' - based partly on some of the issues raised by attendees on the meetup issue queue, and some additional Contact related items building on the foundation of the last 2 sessions.

Suggested topics from the following items:

  • Contact Reports - understanding Contact Growth, and 'health' though reporting
  • Report Builder - identify 'new' contacts, identify missing values
  • Contact Counts - why CiviMail often shows fewer 'emailable' contacts than the group total
  • Measuring Engagement Via Searches - Summary Fields Extension
  • Civisualize Extension Contact dashlet
  • Syncing Users (CSM) with Contacts
  • User roles based on Memberships or Groups
  • Access Control Lists
  • Webforms to capture Contact Information

Feel free to propose other agenda items to this meetup, perhaps some current issues you have, or new learnings.

  • Add an Issue to our Melbourne CiviCRM Meetup issue queue
  • Click 'Sign In' top right and follow the instructions
  • Register a new CiviCRM username if you don't have one (TIP - avoid spaces in your username)

All CiviCRMers welcome - users, administrators, developers, newbs etc

About the Venue - Melbourne Business School, 200 Leicester Street
Park Theatre, Ground Floor, has a large screen display PC/Mac - maximum of 36 people.
- The canteen will be open, and food/drink (non alcoholic) permissible in the room as long as we clean up.

Prince Alfred Hotel nearby for a drink after.

Looking forward to seeing you there.

Mick Collopy
​​​​​​​Meetup Convenor


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