Extensions Directory
Les extensions fournissent de nouvelles fonctionnalités CiviCRM. Ce répertoire présente une liste centralisée des extensions créées par la communauté CiviCRM.
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Creates Canadian Tax Receipts with distribution by email or print, detailed reporting, press ready
Prevents users from overwriting their own record while trying to add a new participant / contribution / membership.
This extension allows a staff user to add, edit and delete line items of a contribution.
Action Provider is an extension which provides action to other extensions. Such as Form processor and the Search action provider.
This extension adds a block to the contact summary that allows editing of any configured relationship type with a UI similar to the employer field.
With the data processor you can build complex queries easily in the user interface and display them as a search, api or export as CSV.
The form processor extension gives you the ability to define business logic for handling form submissions (from external websites).
Civisualize is a civiCRM extension which let you visualize your civiCRM data. Users can create graphs which enable filtering through the data with just a click on the graphs giving you a lot of powers.
Twilio and CiviCRM integration allows delivering single and mass short message service (SMS) messages through its Twilio Gateway to mobile phone users.
This extension adds a pivot report that suppots multiple CiviCRM entities.