Extensions Directory

Les extensions fournissent de nouvelles fonctionnalités CiviCRM. Ce répertoire présente une liste centralisée des extensions créées par la communauté CiviCRM.

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En plus des extensions qui s'installent directement dans CiviCRM et fonctionnent avec tous les CMS affichés ci-dessous, vous pouvez explorer les répertoires des extensions qui sont faites spécifiquement pour :

Installations: 144
Adds the ACLS that allow a contact to only see contacts and groups associated with the domain.
Installations: 140
The Campaign Manager takes working with CiviCRM's campaigns to the next level. You'll love the new stats,KPIs, and hierarchies of campaigns.
Installations: 138
This extension supports CiviXero but has been written so that it could also support different accounting synchronisations in the hope it will encourage greater collaboration. It is a dependency of CiviXero.
Installations: 137
Installations: 135
QR Code Checkin allows you to send QR codes to event participants that can be scanned for faster checkin at the event.
Installations: 133
Installations: 128
Helper extension to manage settings for multiple entitie
Installations: 126
Export Permission creates a permission for export - without this permission the export option is not available from the search actions menu.
Installations: 123
Restrict online registration to certain events to members only but still have other events open to the public.
Installations: 119
Lists logs for the membership under membership tab of contact summary and membership search results.
Installations: 114
A tool that allows you to easily correct invalid phone numbers.
Installations: 112
Submit gift aid reports to HMRC from within CiviCRM.
Installations: 108
Restrict users from viewing/editing contributions and other entities based on permission of financial types.
Installations: 100
Integrates the TSYS payment processor with CiviCRM.

Installations: 94