CiviCRM 5.25 Release

2020-05-07 04:40
Written by
dev-team - official CiviCRM announcement

CiviCRM version 5.25.0 is now out and ready to download. This is a regular monthly release.

Upgrade now for the most stable CiviCRM experience:

Users of the CiviCRM Extended Security Releases (ESR) do not need to upgrade, as there are no ESR-specific bugfixes or security issues at the moment.

Important announcements:

  • As of CiviCRM 5.25, the minimum supported version will be PHP 7.1. The recommended PHP version is PHP 7.3.
  • End of Drupal 6 support (full announcement). Long live Drupal 6!
  • WordPress users: Support for the WP REST API has been added. If you had installed the CiviCRM WP REST API Wrapper Plugin, please deactivate the plugin before you update.

What's new in CiviCRM 5.25

This version changes the database schema, has changes to the API, as well as the usual bugfixes and minor feature improvements.

  • CiviEvent: The "Record Payment" button has been removed from the fees section. Payments can still be recorded from the payments section. This change was required to pave the way for other improvements and code cleanups.
  • CiviMember: Don't freeze fields for auto-renew memberships. Previously, many membership fields were frozen for administrators when the membership was set to auto-renew with a recurring contribution. An extension is available (freeze-memberships-fields) if you prefer to keep the old behaviour.
  • CiviMember: When marking a contact as deceased, the membership is now automatically set to Deceased. This simplifies the underlying process and ensures that a message is displayed about memberships being updated to Deceased status.
  • Partial Payments: The "Add Payment" form now permits adding payments event if a contribution is fully paid.
  • Contribution Detail Report: New columns exposed for the privacy fields (do not phone, etc) and the "Pledge ID".
  • Translations: New language option for Dutch-Belgium (nl_BE).
  • Profiles: The Public Title field that was recently added for profiles would only replace the profile name on contribution and event forms. The new field is now also used for standalone profile forms.
  • Search Builder: Fixed a 5.24.3 regression around the Activity Type search, which could also affect smartgroups.
  • Fixed a System Check which was causing some false alerts about deleted custom fields used in smartgroups.
  • Hooks: New alterCustomFieldDisplayValue(), which allows the modification of the displayed value for a custom field value.
  • WordPress: New REST API wrapper code makes it possible to deprecate the "extern" links (rest.php, url.php, etc) and makes it possible to use native WordPress REST endpoints.
  • WordPress: New shortcodes for Personal Campaign Pages.
  • Api4: New Dashboard and DashboardContact entities
  • Api4 AJAX endpoint: The APIv4 AJAX endpoint is now open to users with either the Access CiviCRM or the Access AJAX API permissions, matching the APIv3 behaviour.
  • Drupal7 Views integration: Fixes the Address Relationship.
  • More replacements of the jCalendar widget with datepicker, deprecating the addDateRange function used by jcalendar. It was deprecated since early 4.7.x versions, but replacing it everywhere is risky and tedious, but the datepicker is much more robust and significantly cleans up the code.
  • CiviEvent Cart: Major code cleanups. Are you using the Event Cart? We would love to hear from you.
  • Over 80 pull-requests (changes) to cleanup the code. You may notice that CiviCRM code is much more clean, documented, consistent, with less code redundancy, less technical debt, better testing, which leads to better reliability and more predictable long-term development costs. Major refactoring started in the CiviCRM 4.7 series and major cleanup keeps happening every month.

This is only a short overview. You can read the full release notes here (it includes all Gitlab and Github references, with much more information). Big thanks to Andrew Hunt and Alice Frumin from AGH Strategies for putting up together release notes.

The complete list of 5.25.0 contributors (it's a huge team!) can be found here. Thanks to everyone for making this release happen!

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