There was a great turnout for CiviCamp Manchester on 1 December 2023.
There was a great turnout for CiviCamp Manchester on 1 December 2023.
CiviCamp Manchester is next week!
As you can see below, we've got a packed schedule for the day. Some of the details are still to be confirmed. We will update the programme as the remaining sessions are finalised.
If you haven't already booked a place, please do so by Wednesday 22 November to make sure you get lunch.
Tickets for the CiviCRM Manchester events are going quickly. Book now to secure your place.
The admin training is fully booked. The developer training and sprint have limited places left. There are still a reasonable number of places left for CiviCamp but we'll need to confirm numbers for catering next week so book soon to ensure you get lunch!
We look forward to welcoming you to CiviCamp Manchester on Friday 1 December 2023.
Earlier this week Tina and Patrick from Embracing Age gave a detailed and insightful talk about their journey to adopt CiviCRM at CiviUsers UK. They've come a long way in a short period of time. It's impressive to see how much they've achieved on a limited budget and without a dedicated IT department.
They shared how they have successfully integrated CiviCRM into their daily operations, including:
Join us in November/December for the biggest CiviCRM event of the year. This is a fantastic opportunity for you to learn more about CiviCRM and get involved in the community.
CiviCRM Manchester takes place over a ten-day period from 29 November to 8 December. There is lots happening - whether you are new to CiviCRM or have been using it for years, there will be something for you. This is an event that you can't afford to miss so book your place now!
Embracing Age is a small Christian charity with a big mission to mobilise volunteers to befriend care home residents, support informal carers and help churches in their work with older people. They are giving a talk on 13 September 2023 about their journey to integrate CiviCRM.
This month we looked at fundraising at CiviCRM North East. Izi Clery from Population Matters spoke about how they use CiviCRM to support their fundraising efforts.
Her talk covered the following topics: