CiviCon 2016 Conference Coordinator Introduction

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2016-01-15 12:48
Written by
Anoniem (niet gecontroleerd) - member of the CiviCRM community - view blog guidelines

Hello! I wanted to take a moment to introduce myself.  My name is Angela Bruns and I will be Conference Coordinator for the North American CiviCon 2016 in Fort Collins, CO.  My background is in event planning and volunteer management within Colorado nonprofit organizations and I am excited to be a part of this conference. 

The conference will be held on the Colorado State University campus and is scheduled for May 31 – June 8, 2016.  Trainings will happen May 31 & June 1, the Conference will take place June 2 & 3, and the Sprint will follow on June 4 – 8. Please see the save the date blogpost for some additional information on the event.

We want to make this conference the best it can be this year and are looking for some great volunteers to serve on our conference committees.  If you would like to be a part of planning the 2016 CiviCon, please email me at and let me know in what way you would like to be involved. 

  • Marketing Committee: website, outreach, advertising, blogposts, messaging, social media
  • Sessions Committee: presenters, schedule, topics
  • Sponsorship: Recruiting, experience, booths
  • Training: Topics, trainers, outreach
  • Sprint: Recruiting attendees, organizing teams