UK CiviCRM usergroup: end user and admin training

 Registration is closed for this event
We'll be holding the fifth UK CiviCRM usergroup meet up in London this Thursday 25th June, and we'll be joined by a few members of the core team visiting from Poland, India and the USA. It's an all-day practical event and is aimed at non profits, advocacy organisations, and political groups and is a great opportunity to find out if CiviCRM is right for you, improve your CiviCRM skills, and to find out more about the CiviCRM community.

We'll finalise the agenda based on participants interests and skill levels, but topics we're imagining that we'll cover include:

Our meet ups are user led, and we'll finalise the agenda based on participants interests and skill levels.  Topics we could cover include:

  • introduction to CiviCRM - what does it do and how can it help you?
  • installing, configuring and making the most of CiviCRM at your organisation
  • CiviCRM surgery - answering questions and helping with specific problems
  • getting more involved with CiviCRM - how your organisation can help improve CiviCRM

The session is hands on so please bring a laptop if you can.  If you're using CiviCRM already, bring a laptop that will let you access that installation.  If you aren't a current user (but are technically minded) you should install a working copy of CiviCRM in preperation for this meeting.

You should also read out new book Understanding CiviCRM in preparation for this event.

This is a non-profit event.  The costs go toward event and travel expenses and any surpluses will go toward funding improvements to CiviCRM.

június 25th, 2009 from  9:00 AM to  6:00 PM
Miller Technology Limited
340 Gray's Inn Road
London, WC1X 8BG
United Kingdom
Phone: 0207 843 9725
Camp Fee
Fees 300.00 USD