Using Form Builder to create a volunteer application form

2022-09-16 03:23
Written by
wmortada - member of the CiviCRM community - view blog guidelines

Back in May at CiviCRM North East, we looked at an example of using Form Builder to create a volunteer application form. This is a slightly delayed (sorry!) write up of that talk.

For those that aren't aware, Form Builder, is a really helpful new feature in CiviCRM that allows you to create forms natively in CiviCRM without the need for external plugins. It is still in active development so not feature complete yet, but is definitely worth taking a look at.

Karen from Support Through Court spoke about the volunteering requirements of their organisation and their aim to bring volunteer application into the system. Kurund and Rebecca from Third Sector Design gave details of the implementation.

You can watch the full talk here:

We haven't confirmed the details for the next CiviCRM North East meeting yet, but will add this to the event calendar when confirmed.

In the meantime, if you feel inspired to get more involved in the development of Form Builder and SearchKit you can join us at the sprint in Manchester next month.


Really nice to see this built in CiviCRM - I just did a similar application form with Drupal Webform CiviCRM (no developer hours available) and the main differences are the ability to preview and embed (share) the webform on another site.