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Become a Partner & Support CiviCRM

If you're a service provider that generates value from implementing CiviCRM for other organizations, and you're ready to give back, then you've come to the right place. CiviCRM Partners are vital to the success and sustainability of the project, contributing to its development and to its adoption by organizations around the world. Please note:

  • The partner levels below are per year. If you'd like to subscribe to a monthly partnership, please click here.
  • If you prefer to pay via GoCardless or bank transfer, please select "Please invoice my organization" in the payment selection below.
  • If you prefer to remit payment in a currency other than USD select "Please invoice my organization" in the payment selection below and we'll coordinate with you.


Total Amount
Service Provider information
Renewing partners don't need to re-upload your logo.
The contact information you provide in the section immediately below will be visible on the public experts listing.
Provide an overview of your company focus and strengths.

Use this summary to summarize or highlight aspects of your service offering that aren't covered in the options below.

More Details

Please note that the information you provide below helps prospective clients search for and find suitable partners. As such, it is critical that you provide up-to-date and accurate information. Please also note that any selections you make below are subject to review and audit by the CiviCRM Core Team. We advise you to be absolutely certain that you can demonstrate examples that validate the details you provide as we will periodically request these. We also advise that you read the field descriptions below carefully as they may affect your selections.

Please select only CMS's that you actively support. By "support" we mean CMS's that you actively 1) implement, 2) recommend be implemented, 3) support in the implementation process and 4) technically maintain. We do NOT mean "CMS's that clients have randomly brought to you that you occassionally patch or work on but otherwise you do not actively work with nor recommend that anybody use." You must actively implement, manage, recommend, and use the CMS's in your selection.
As a reminder, we strongly encourage you to be prepared to demonstrate examples of the CMS's you 'support'. If you cannot, then please do not check the CMS in qustion.

The languages selection below indicates which languages you can support and allows prospective users to filter the experts listing based on your selection regardless of your georgraphic location, the latter of which is addressed above in your country selection.

If you wish to be listed in more than one country, then you must apply to be a Global Partner. The requirement is simple: you must be able to demonstrate 'interest' in additional countries.

By 'interest', we mean that you 1) have current clients in other countries or 2) have staff in other countries, AND that you are actively investing in business development in that country (i.e. marketing, advertising, etc.). If you fit these requirements, please email us and request listing as a Global Partner.

If you selected "Hosting" above in the CiviCRM Services, then you must select an option from below. We recognize that everyone will have different interpretations of the types of hosting presented, so for the sake of clarity and consistency, please adhere to the following definitions when making your selection:

  • Cloud Hosting Hosting whereby clients use a single instance of the same identical system, where there is some degree of automation in the setup and maintence, where users can view pricing in advance of signing up, and where users have limited to no-access to the underlying hosting platform. A good example of this is CiviCRM Spark (
  • Classic cPanel Hosting Hosting that provides users a more traditional hosting experience using systems such as cPanel, Control Panel, etc., that provides limited or full access and management capability to their hosting accounts, and that is more customizable on a per account/client basis.
  • Custom Hosting Solutions Hosting that is exclusively designed for each individual client accounting for their precise needs and requirements and which may or may not include hosting account access or management capabilities.
If you select "Hosting" from the "CiviCRM Services" above and you did not make a selection in the "Hosting Services", we will remove your selection from the CiviCRM Services field. In other words, if you selected "Hosting" above, then you must select at least one type of hosting that you provide.
If you have a specific page on your website that details your hosting options, pricing, etc., please list it here.
Your Details
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