Melbourne CiviCRM Meetup 5 Dec 2019

 Registration is closed for this event
Come meet others from the Melbourne Area who are interested in, using or developing for CiviCRM.

Meetup Agenda

This Fourth meetup of 2019 will have the theme 'Contact Management' - based partly on some of the issues raised by attendees on the meetup issue queue, and some additional Contact related items building on the foundation of the last 2 sessions.

Suggested topics from the following items:

  • Contact Reports - understanding Contact Growth, and 'health' though reporting
  • Report Builder - identify 'new' contacts, identify missing values
  • Contact Counts - why CiviMail often shows fewer 'emailable' contacts than the group total
  • Measuring Engagement Via Searches - Summary Fields Extension
  • Civisualize Extension Contact dashlet
  • Syncing Users (CSM) with Contacts
  • User roles based on Memberships or Groups
  • Access Control Lists
  • Webforms to capture Contact Information

Feel free to propose other agenda items to this meetup, perhaps some current issues you have, or new learnings.

  • Add an Issue to our Melbourne CiviCRM Meetup issue queue
  • Click 'Sign In' top right and follow the instructions
  • Register a new CiviCRM username if you don't have one (TIP - avoid spaces in your username)

All CiviCRMers welcome - users, administrators, developers, newbs etc

About the Venue - Melbourne Business School, 200 Leicester Street
- Park Theatre, Ground Floor, has a large screen display PC/Mac - maximum of 36 people.
- The canteen will be open, and food/drink (non alcoholic) permissible in the room as long as we clean up.

Prince Alfred Hotel nearby for a drink after.

Looking forward to seeing you there.

Mick Collopy
Meetup Convenor

December 5th, 2019 from  6:00 PM to  8:00 PM
Melbourne Business School
200 Leicester Street
"Grattan Theatre", ground floor, Foster's wing
Carlton, Victoria 3053
Show large map
Mobile: 0420476206