CiviCRM Conference Brussels 2018

Sorry Registration for this event ended on January 30th, 2018 10:00 PM
 Registration is closed for this event
CiviCamp 2018 in Brussels is the conference for seasoned CiviCRM users, and people considering using CiviCRM.

The conference will be packed with the essential presentations, workshops and people that will help your organisation get the most from CiviCRM.

Call for Sessions

You want to give a session at this CiviCRM user conference? Great! Email the title and summary to

Sprint for Contributors

Following the user conference, there will be a 4-day sprint for contributors. It will be held at the same location from Tuesday 6 February till Friday 9 February. It is your chance to dig deeper into CiviCRM and help push the project forward.

Examples of areas we've worked on in previous sprints include:

  • creating, reviewing and publishing extensions
  • performance and usability improvements to core code
  • improving marketing materials
  • increased test framework and coverage
  • documenting new features
  • fixing bugs you have encountered
  • improving CiviCRM infrastructure (e.g. the extensions directory).

Join Us!

  • meet the CiviCRM community
  • learn about CiviCRM, what it can do, what other do with it
  • share your experience and learn from others
  • be part of the CiviCRM ecosystem!
February 5th, 2018 from  9:30 AM to  5:30 PM
Munt 6
Brussels, 1000
Event Fee(s)
User Conference (Monday 5 February 2018) €85.00
Contributor Sprint (from Tuesday 6 February till Friday 9 February 2018) €40.00
User conference + Contributor Sprint €95.00